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Will Smith # RF

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Everything posted by Will Smith # RF

  1. Hi, Welcome to rangfort community, no matter how you'll search, we are the best! Hope you find some friends soon, IF you want im always free, PM me
  2. Join designer team brah... one designer give t/c... and thank caza for doing your job
  3. aham.... Better than fighting... get me the avatar. please.
  4. Will Smith # RF


    Avatar/Semnatura/Logo/Banner/etc : Avatar Tema pozei / Stock-ul dorit ( obligatoriu ) : Doar text. Text principal : Will Smith. Text secundar ( rangfort / www.rangfort.ro / nume server ) : RF Alte precizari : Bafta ! Dimensiuni avatar ( 150 x 250 SAU 150 x 300 ) : -
  5. Who is your favorite Staff in this community. # Administrator blabla ady adry Alisa. BlackPearl SiLviu Vallentin Super-Moderator Sp1dey Moderator Cazador Alecks htcone800 Idlelwass # Rangfort MyStErYDoGg Resource-Team EmilKGB Designer Designeru` foxy' Hristu Julia Mr.Panda DONT FORGET TO SAY WHY. _________________________________________ For me :- blabla ( Wise ), BlackPearl( he just do the right thing.) , Julia (Has always the best avatar in the request.) , Cazador (Friend, hard to tell.), htc ( Friend, Hard to tell.) , Sp1dey ( Always working on The Warnings.. )
  6. If your friend got kid-nabbed, And you know Who did it, What would you do?
  7. If you had a fight with your dad and he kicked you out of the house, Where would you go?
  8. An Advice kiddo, stop calling who did let you down your "friend."

  9. Hello.. Just Wanna tell you.. Is not always good to be happy
  10. Welcome man, please follow our Model here. If you please do other topic following that model.
  11. Contra, good luck in other section , but this one has alot of moderators, GL !
  12. Rangfort, is the best chair to set on, is the best friend to take care of you, now im leaving, and no , im not looking back.

  13. Brother, i know you still have access to t.c, and that you were moderator, but you are not moderator anymore, and please don't do this, you know what to do to get moderator again. t.c
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