blabla 3,557 Posted May 22, 2015 Share Posted May 22, 2015 Nu recomandăm nimănui achiziţionarea de conturi Steam la mana a doua ! Vânzarea acestor conturi este de asemenea interzisă, conform termenilor legali de folosinţă a platformei Steam. 1. REGISTRATION AND ACTIVATION.When you complete Steam's registration process, you create a Steam account ("Account"). Your Account may also include billing information you provide to us for the purchase of Subscriptions. You are solely responsible for all activity on your Account and for the security of your computer system. You may not reveal, share or otherwise allow others to use your password or Account. You agree that you are personally responsible for the use of your password and Account and for all of the communication and activity on Steam that results from use of your login name and password. You may not sell or charge others for the right to use your Account, or otherwise transfer your Account. Nu interzicem vânzarea acestor conturi, însă impunem anumite detalii ce trebuiesc oferite de către vânzător. Link cu profilul contului vândut. Statusul profilului trebuie sa fie setat pe: Public - Viewable by anyone on the World-Wide Web ✘ Toate anunţurile ce nu vor respecta cele de mai sus vor fi închise. ✘ Tip #1: Verificare VAC Status pentru orice cont steam ! Intram pe Introducem in caseta link-ul contului dorit a-l verifica, apasam Search : Veti primi urmatoarele informatii, printre care si Statusul VAC : Tip #2: Conturi cu "Steam Alert" ! Recomandăm evitarea totală a acestora, cel mai probabil aceste conturi au fost furate / implicate in activităţi frauduloase, drept urmare au funcţionalităti limitate: Purchasing, gifting, trading, cd-key activation, Steam Community disabled ! Aceste conturi au un mesaj într-un chenar roşu prezent în interfaţa platformei Steam. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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