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Posts posted by UzI

  1. On 24.07.2017 at 9:23 PM, XxAlexX7657 said:

    Nu ai gresit, e buna sectiunea stai clam. Deci va ca ti s-au sters texturile, uitate la configurari la grafici, daca nu merge reinstaleaza.

    Idem, reinstaleaza dar incearca sa faci o reinstalare curata , sterge orice fisier apartinand de "Half-Life"

    • Like 1
  2. Asta e ce am facut eu ,sper sa-ti placa, e idee proprie, nu m-am tinut de stock pentru ca nu se intelege nimic din el.                                                  









    Edit: Am adaugat si Co-Owner.

    • Like 1
  3. Dimensiunea e aleasa cu un scop , acela de a fi destul de lizibil textul , Stiu ca ocupa mult , dar asta e din cauza ca sunt 14 grade....Cel mult sa mai adaug o stea la root.Mai mult nu fac,esti liber sa-ti modifici cum vrei tu si sa vezi ca am dreptate.

    Edit: Sau poti astepta Reply-ul unui designer.

  4. Da uninstall la steam si instaleaza-l din nou.Am aruncat si eu o privire pe net ,dar dupa reply-urile userilor care au incercat metodele descrise ,nu-ti recomand ,din cate vad nu le merge tuturor.Asigura-te ca Steam este inchis , du-te in locatia unde este instalat apoi ruleaza uninstall.exe, dupa ce se finalizeaza procesul sterge si ultimele file/foldere ce raman dupa dezinstalare ( asa numitele junkie-uri) pur si simplu sterge folderui Steam.Succes la instalare.



    Just now,Jabba Wockeez# said: 

    Cred ca nu ai bagat bani in steam. Deodata ce-ai bagat 5€ iti da voie sa adaugi friends ,iar cs poate l-ai bagat tu in libra

    Din poza reiese ca nu e nonsteam.

  5. Just now, LondoN eXtream said:

    Nu era nevoie sa creezi o pagina html personala.


    Faceai un meniu cu fiecare site pe care poti vota si o afisai cu show_motd().

    Nici de acest reply nu era nevoie.Unde scrie ca am cerut ajutor ;) ?

  6. !#! Titlu: vot_server.amxx
    # Descriere: Acest plugin este o metoda foarte usoara de a face serverul cat mai cunoscut,el se bazeaza pe "Rank-ul" serverului de pe diferitele forumuri care promoveaza servere de Counter-Strike. Deoarece le face jucatorilor foarte accesibil votul.In maxim 20 de secunde pot da acel vot/zi fara a iesi din Clientul Counter-Strike.
    # Comenzi : /vot in chat

    # Cvar-uri :

    # Instalare:

    => Fisierul vot_server.sma il puneti in addons/amxmodx/scripting
    => Fisierul vot_server.amxx il puneti in addons/amxmodx/plugins
    => Intrati in fisierul addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini si adaugati la urma:

    => Fisierul vot.html il puneti in addons/amxmodx/configs



    Pagina web trebuie/poate fi editata dupa bunul plac.

    P.S:Pagina web este cam mediocra, nu m-am ocupat foarte mult de design ,cat despre plugin,sunt incepator deci abtineti-va de la prea multe comentarii ;)


  7. Server :CSX.RANGFORT.RO

    Nick :UzI
    Grad server :Fondator
    La ce doriţi ajutor? : Doresc sa modific pluginul kill assist .In principiu as dori sa scap de hud-urile/informatiile care apar atunci cand un Player face asist deoarece pe server ruleaza modul cs go remake care contine deja aceste atributii si nu as vrea sa se suprapuna comenzile.De ce vreau acest plugin daca exista deja pe server?Pe server ruleaza o versiune care costumizata de Nubo care ofera puncte bonus jucatorilor iar eu as dori si beneficiile aduse de cel default si anume bonusul $$ si Frag assist.Nu am incercat sa il modific de unul singur deoarece nu am experienta necesara si as vrea sa evit eventuale buguri survenite eventual dupa modificarea pluginului de catre un inepator .

    Poză cu problema (Nu este obligatoriu) :


    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    	Kill assist (for CS) v1.2b
    	  by Digi (a.k.a. Hunter-Digital)
    	  When a player gets killed, this plugin checks if another player, from the same team,
    	  did enough damage to the victim so that he could be an accomplice to the kill and
    	  the assister will also receive a frag
    	  (all of these are cvar controlled)
    	CVars and default values:
    	  - amx_killassist_enable 0/1/2 (default: 1)
    	    Enable modes: 0 = Disable / 1 = Enable with DeathMsg / 2 = Enable with HUD message
    	  - amx_killassist_mindamage 1-9999 (default: 50)
    	    Minimum amount of damage to deal to be nominated for an assisted kill
    	  - amx_killassist_givefrags 0/1 (default: 1)
    	    Give or not give the assister frags
    	  - amx_killassist_givemoney 0-16000 (default: 300)
    	    Give or not give the assister some money, 0 disables, 1 or more sets how much money
    	  - amx_killassist_onlyalive 0/1 (default: 0)
    	    Only alive players can be of assistance in killing other players
    	Credits and thanks:
    	  - ConnorMcLeod - for helping with quick name changing
    	  - arkshine - for helping with name squeeze
    	  - joaquimandrade - code improvements
    	  - anakin_cstrike - code improvements
    	  - Nextra - more code improvements
    	  - ajvn - some ideas
    	  - Dores - and more code improvements
    	  - frearmer - hud message sugestion
    	  v1.2b - modified public variable to "killassist_version" and fixed deathmsg not showing when you suicide with worldspawn or an entity
    	  v1.2 - added no-name-changing support, prints HUD message, to activate, set enabled to 2
    	  v1.1b - simplified cvar checking using clamp()
    	  v1.1 - converted to CS only, new cvars: amx_killassist_onlyalive, amx_killassist_givemoney, enriched cvar handling, added team cache and fixed some bugs
    	  v1.0d - Removed useless stuff xD, added pcvar on amx_mode and used formatex()
    	  v1.0c - Some modifications and added g_bOnline
    	  v1.0b - Fixed admin name bug
    	  v1.0 - Release
    		-------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Feel free to modify these HUD message values */
    #define HUD_colorR		255	// default: 255
    #define HUD_colorG		155	// default: 155
    #define HUD_colorB		0	// default: 0
    #define HUD_posX			0.6	// default: 0.6
    #define HUD_posY			0.2	// default: 0.2
    #define HUD_fx			0	// default: 0
    #define HUD_fxTime		0.0	// default: 0.0
    #define HUD_holdTime		1.0	// default: 1.0
    #define HUD_fadeInTime		0.3	// default: 0.3
    #define HUD_fadeOutTime		2.0	// default: 2.0
    #define HUD_channel		-1	// default: -1
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    	Nothing to edit below this point */
    #include <amxmodx>
    #include <hamsandwich>
    #include <cstrike>
    #include <engine>
    #include <fun>
    #define PLUGIN_TITLE		"Kill assist (for CS)"
    #define PLUGIN_VERSION		"1.2b"
    #define PLUGIN_AUTHOR		"Digi (www.thehunters.ro)"
    #define PLUGIN_PUBLICVAR	"killassist_version"
    #define MAXPLAYERS		32 + 1
    #define TEAM_NONE			0
    #define TEAM_TE			1
    #define TEAM_CT			2
    #define TEAM_SPEC			3
    #define is_player(%1) (1 <= %1 <= g_iMaxPlayers)
    new msgID_sayText
    new msgID_deathMsg
    new msgID_scoreInfo
    new msgID_money
    new pCVar_amxMode
    new pCVar_enabled
    new pCVar_minDamage
    new pCVar_giveFrags
    new pCVar_giveMoney
    new pCVar_onlyAlive
    new ch_pCVar_enabled
    new ch_pCVar_minDamage
    new ch_pCVar_giveFrags
    new ch_pCVar_giveMoney
    new ch_pCVar_onlyAlive
    new g_szName[MAXPLAYERS][32]
    new g_iTeam[MAXPLAYERS]
    new bool:g_bAlive[MAXPLAYERS] = {false, ...}
    new bool:g_bOnline[MAXPLAYERS] = {false, ...}
    new g_iLastAmxMode
    new g_iMaxPlayers = 0
    new bool:g_bAmxModeExists = false
    public plugin_init()
    	pCVar_enabled = register_cvar("amx_killassist_enabled", "1")
    	pCVar_minDamage = register_cvar("amx_killassist_mindamage", "50")
    	pCVar_giveFrags = register_cvar("amx_killassist_givefrags", "1")
    	pCVar_giveMoney = register_cvar("amx_killassist_givemoney", "300")
    	pCVar_onlyAlive = register_cvar("amx_killassist_onlyalive", "0")
    		pCVar_amxMode = get_cvar_pointer("amx_mode")
    		g_bAmxModeExists = true
    	msgID_money = get_user_msgid("Money")
    	msgID_sayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")
    	msgID_deathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg")
    	msgID_scoreInfo = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo")
    	register_message(msgID_deathMsg, "msg_deathMsg")
    	register_logevent("event_roundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start")
    	register_event("Damage", "player_damage", "be", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0")
    	register_event("DeathMsg", "player_die", "ae")
    	register_event("TeamInfo", "player_joinTeam", "a")
    	RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "player_spawn", 1)
    	g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()
    public plugin_cfg() event_roundStart()
    public event_roundStart()
    	ch_pCVar_enabled = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_enabled), 0, 2)
    	ch_pCVar_minDamage = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_minDamage), 0, 9999)
    	ch_pCVar_giveFrags = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_giveFrags), 0, 1)
    	ch_pCVar_giveMoney = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_giveMoney), 0, 16000)
    	ch_pCVar_onlyAlive = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_onlyAlive), 0, 1)
    public client_putinserver(iPlayer)
    	g_bOnline[iPlayer] = true
    	get_user_name(iPlayer, g_szName[iPlayer], 31)
    public client_disconnect(iPlayer)
    	g_iTeam[iPlayer] = TEAM_NONE
    	g_bAlive[iPlayer] = false
    	g_bOnline[iPlayer] = false
    public player_joinTeam()
    	new iPlayer, szTeam[2]
    	iPlayer = read_data(1)
    	read_data(2, szTeam, 1)
    		case 'T': g_iTeam[iPlayer] = TEAM_TE
    		case 'C': g_iTeam[iPlayer] = TEAM_CT
    		default: g_iTeam[iPlayer] = TEAM_SPEC // since you can't transfer yourself to unassigned team...
    public player_spawn(iPlayer)
    		return HAM_IGNORED
    	g_bAlive[iPlayer] = true // he's alive !
    	new szName[32]
    	get_user_name(iPlayer, szName, 31)
    	if(!equali(szName, g_szName[iPlayer])) // make sure he has his name !
    		set_msg_block(msgID_sayText, BLOCK_ONCE)
    		set_user_info(iPlayer, "name", g_szName[iPlayer])
    	// reset damage meters
    	for(new p = 1; p <= g_iMaxPlayers; p++)
    		g_iDamage[iPlayer][p] = 0
    	return HAM_IGNORED
    public player_damage(iVictim)
    	if(!ch_pCVar_enabled || !is_player(iVictim))
    		return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    	new iAttacker = get_user_attacker(iVictim)
    		return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    	g_iDamage[iAttacker][iVictim] += read_data(2)
    public player_die()
    		return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    	new iVictim = read_data(2)
    	new iKiller = read_data(1)
    	new iHS = read_data(3)
    	new szWeapon[24]
    	read_data(4, szWeapon, 23)
    		do_deathmsg(iKiller, iVictim, iHS, szWeapon)
    		return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    	g_bAlive[iVictim] = false
    		do_deathmsg(iKiller, iVictim, iHS, szWeapon)
    		return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    	new iKillerTeam = g_iTeam[iKiller]
    	if(iKiller != iVictim && g_iTeam[iVictim] != iKillerTeam)
    		new iKiller2 = 0
    		new iDamage2 = 0
    		for(new p = 1; p <= g_iMaxPlayers; p++)
    			if(p != iKiller && g_bOnline[p] && (ch_pCVar_onlyAlive && g_bAlive[p] || !ch_pCVar_onlyAlive) && iKillerTeam == g_iTeam[p] && g_iDamage[p][iVictim] >= ch_pCVar_minDamage && g_iDamage[p][iVictim] > iDamage2)
    				iKiller2 = p
    				iDamage2 = g_iDamage[p][iVictim]
    			g_iDamage[p][iVictim] = 0
    		if(iKiller2 > 0 && iDamage2 > ch_pCVar_minDamage)
    				new iFrags = get_user_frags(iKiller2)+1
    				set_user_frags(iKiller2, iFrags)
    				message_begin(MSG_ALL, msgID_scoreInfo)
    				new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(iKiller2) + ch_pCVar_giveMoney
    				if(iMoney > 16000)
    					iMoney = 16000
    				cs_set_user_money(iKiller2, iMoney)
    				if(g_bAlive[iKiller2]) // no reason to send a money message when the player has no hud :}
    					message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msgID_money, _, iKiller2)
    			if(ch_pCVar_enabled == 2)
    				new szName1[32], szName2[32], szName3[32], szMsg[128]
    				get_user_name(iKiller, szName1, 31)
    				get_user_name(iKiller2, szName2, 31)
     				get_user_name(iVictim, szName3, 31)
    				formatex(szMsg, 63, "%s killed %s assisted by %s", szName1, szName3, szName2)
    				set_hudmessage(HUD_colorR, HUD_colorG, HUD_colorB, HUD_posX, HUD_posY, HUD_fx, HUD_fxTime, HUD_holdTime, HUD_fadeInTime, HUD_fadeOutTime, HUD_channel)
    				show_hudmessage(0, szMsg)
    				new szName1[32], iName1Len, szName2[32], iName2Len, szNames[32], szWeaponLong[32]
    				iName1Len = get_user_name(iKiller, szName1, 31)
    				iName2Len = get_user_name(iKiller2, szName2, 31)
    				g_szName[iKiller] = szName1
    				if(iName1Len < 14)
    					formatex(szName1, iName1Len, "%s", szName1)
    					formatex(szName2, 28-iName1Len, "%s", szName2)
    				else if(iName2Len < 14)
    					formatex(szName1, 28-iName2Len, "%s", szName1)
    					formatex(szName2, iName2Len, "%s", szName2)
    					formatex(szName1, 13, "%s", szName1)
    					formatex(szName2, 13, "%s", szName2)
    				formatex(szNames, 31, "%s + %s", szName1, szName2)
    				set_msg_block(msgID_sayText, BLOCK_ONCE)
    				set_user_info(iKiller, "name", szNames)
    					g_iLastAmxMode = get_pcvar_num(pCVar_amxMode)
    					set_pcvar_num(pCVar_amxMode, 0)
    				if(equali(szWeapon, "grenade"))
    					szWeaponLong = "weapon_hegrenade"
    					formatex(szWeaponLong, 31, "weapon_%s", szWeapon)
    				new args[4]
    				args[0] = iVictim
    				args[1] = iKiller
    				args[2] = iHS
    				args[3] = get_weaponid(szWeaponLong)
    				set_task(0.1, "player_diePost", 0, args, 4)
    		else if(ch_pCVar_enabled == 1)
    			do_deathmsg(iKiller, iVictim, iHS, szWeapon)
    	else if(ch_pCVar_enabled == 1)
    		do_deathmsg(iVictim, iVictim, iHS, szWeapon)
    public player_diePost(arg[])
    	new szWeapon[24]
    	new iKiller = arg[1]
    	get_weaponname(arg[3], szWeapon, 23)
    	replace(szWeapon, 23, "weapon_", "")
    	do_deathmsg(iKiller, arg[0], arg[2], szWeapon)
    	set_msg_block(msgID_sayText, BLOCK_ONCE)
    	set_user_info(iKiller, "name", g_szName[iKiller])
    		set_pcvar_num(pCVar_amxMode, g_iLastAmxMode)
    public msg_deathMsg()
    	return ch_pCVar_enabled == 1 ? PLUGIN_HANDLED : PLUGIN_CONTINUE
    /* originally from messages_stocks.inc, but simplified */
    stock do_deathmsg(iKiller, iVictim, iHS, const szWeapon[])
    	message_begin(MSG_ALL, msgID_deathMsg)
    /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    		-------------------------------------------------------------- */


  8. Ofer cont ce contine :

    1. cs 1.6 team half life 
    2. half life blue shift
    3. half life opossing force 
    4. richochet
    5. deathmatch classic
    6. day of defeat 
    7. team fortress classic
    8. half life 

    Contul are level 7

    Pentru Mai Multe Informatii Click Aici!


    In afara de cont ofer in plus 5 euro paysafe !

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