haij 169 Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Nume : boti rangfort Versiune : nus Descriere detaliata : Vreau pluginu cu boti rangfort . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minnie 4,304 Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 Iti dau plugin-ul care ruleaza in acest moment la mine pe server, si nu am treaba . Ai aici AMXX : CLICK Aici ai SMA : CLICK Si aici ai .TXT : CLICK AMXX-ul il adaugi in plugins . SMA-ul il adaugi in scripting . TXT-ul il adaugi in configs . Ti-l poti modifica dupa bunul plac, insa poti pune doar 3 booti sa fie prezenti pe serverul tau, si sa te rezumi la niste anunturi / nickname-uri mai mici, nu lungi, fiindca nu-ti va incapea tot . Si intri in plugins.ini si adaugi linia urmatoare : fakefull_original.amxx Dupa care, ai de adaugat cateva cvar-uri . Cvar-urile le adaugi in amxx.cfg si sunt urmatoarele : amx_addfake 3 ff_automode 0 ff_players 3 ff_delay 1 Ti le-am dat cele corecte selectate . Modulele cerute sunt : fakemeta fun cstrike PS : Atunci cand doresti sa adaugi booti pe server, scrii in consola urmatoarea comanda : amx_addfake 3 Cand vrei sa-i scoti de pe server, scrii in consola urmatoarea comanda : amx_removefake 3 In cazul in care doresti sa scoti pe rand, folosesti : amx_removefake 1 si daca doresti sa adaugi pe rand, folosesti amx_addfake 1 de 3x . Sper sa-ti fie de ajutor, eu n-am probleme . EDIT : Depinde de host, eu nu am probleme cu lag-ul venind de la boti . 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LondoN eXtream 110 Posted March 4, 2015 Share Posted March 4, 2015 (edited) Sau incearca pluginul lui hattrick, fakefull face lag #include amxmodx #include fakemeta new const g_Names[][]= { "NUME BOT", "VIP? ID", "NR 1 ZM MOD", "ZMOUT - ZM" }; new Array:g_Messages; new g_Handler; new g_Query[256]; public plugin_init() { new a = fopen("z_out_hud_advertisements.ini", "r"); g_Handler = CreateHudSyncObj(); g_Messages = ArrayCreate(512); set_task( 15.0, "TaskManageBots", .flags="b" ); if (a) { new Line[512]; while (!feof(a)) { fgets(a, Line, sizeof(Line) - 1); trim(Line); if (Line[0]) { while(replace(Line, sizeof(Line)-1, "\n", "^n")){} ArrayPushString(g_Messages, Line); } } fclose(a); } else log_amx("Failed to open z_out_advertisements.ini file!"); if (ArraySize(g_Messages)) { set_task(30.0, "TaskAvertise", .flags = "b"); } } new g_Bot[33], g_BotsCount; public TaskManageBots(){ static PlayersNum; PlayersNum = get_playersnum( 1 ); if( PlayersNum < get_maxplayers() - 1 && g_BotsCount < 3 ) { CreateBot(); } else if( PlayersNum > get_maxplayers() - 1 && g_BotsCount ) { RemoveBot(); }} public client_disconnect(i) { if( g_Bot[ i ] ) { g_Bot[ i ] = 0, g_BotsCount -- ; } } RemoveBot(){ static i; for( i = 1; i <= get_maxplayers(); i++ ) { if( g_Bot[ i ] ) { server_cmd( "kick #%d", get_user_userid( i ) );break; }}} CreateBot(){ static Bot; formatex( g_Query, 255, !random_num(0,1)?"%s (%c%c)":"%s - %c%c",g_Names[random_num(0,sizeof(g_Names)-1)],random_num('A','Z'),random_num('A','Z') );Bot = engfunc( EngFunc_CreateFakeClient, g_Query ); if( Bot > 0 &&pev_valid(Bot)) { dllfunc(MetaFunc_CallGameEntity,"player",Bot); set_pev(Bot,pev_flags,FL_FAKECLIENT); set_pev(Bot, pev_model, ""); set_pev(Bot, pev_viewmodel2, ""); set_pev(Bot, pev_modelindex, 0); set_pev(Bot, pev_renderfx, kRenderFxNone); set_pev(Bot, pev_rendermode, kRenderTransAlpha); set_pev(Bot, pev_renderamt, 0.0); set_pdata_int(Bot,114,0); message_begin(MSG_ALL,get_user_msgid("TeamInfo")); write_byte(Bot); write_string("UNASSIGNED"); message_end(); g_Bot[Bot]=1; g_BotsCount++; } } public TaskAvertise() { static a,msg[512]; for (a = 1; a <= get_maxplayers(); a++) { if (is_user_connected(a) && !is_user_bot(a) && !is_user_hltv(a)) { set_hudmessage(random_num(0, 255), random_num(0, 255), random_num(0, 255), -1.0, 0.0777, random_num(0, 2), random_float(0.7, 0.9), 12.0, random_float(0.37, 0.4), random_float(0.37, 0.4), 4); ArrayGetString(g_Messages,random_num(0,ArraySize(g_Messages)-1),msg,511); ShowSyncHudMsg(a, g_Handler, msg); Edited March 4, 2015 by dK^aL3X Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minnie 4,304 Posted March 15, 2015 Share Posted March 15, 2015 User-ul a fost banat, ceea ce inseamna ca nu mai este nevoie de a da informatii unui plagiator . T/C . 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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