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Cerere Semnatura SpiriT*Fox


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Avatar/Semnatura/Logo/Banner/etc :Semnatura
Tema pozei / Stock-ul dorit ( obligatoriu ) :Metatron Cube. Sacred Geometry.
Text principal : Release Control >We're Breaking Trough!
Text secundar ( rangfort / www.rangfort.ro / nume server ) :Romania.Rangfort.ro
Alte precizari :Multumesc anticipat si spor la treaba.

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yeaaah. the second one really goes into the psychedelic area which i really seek.

But, also the Frist one, Minnie, has the subliminal eye, wich takes me to the place i want but there's something i miss. maybe i expect more color, more dynamics, more gometry.

Dar pentru moment am sa port semnatura lui Revv. Este mai potrivita pe tema si vibe-ul pe care le-am ales. Regardless, va multumesc amandurora pentru muca depusa, si sper sa nu se dea TC, poate  un artist mai vine cu o idee frumoasa pe care o voi putea folosi mai incolo! <3.


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 Din pacate nu pot folosii semnatura facuta de tine, pentru ca nu respecta dimensiunile impuse :(.. dar oricum. buna treaba. mie imi place :D

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