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gata ti l-am facut eu =>http://www.amxmodx.org/webcompiler.cgi?go=dl&id=1808322 amxx

#include < amxmodx >

#include < cstrike >
#define PLUGIN "Rang Admin Chat Fixed"
#define VERSION "1.0.1"
#pragma semicolon 1
#define MAX_GROUPS 9
// --| CC_ColorChat.
enum Color
NORMAL = 1, // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
GREEN, // Culoare Verde.
TEAM_COLOR, // Culoare Rosu, Albastru, Gri.
GREY, // Culoarea Gri.
RED, // Culoarea Rosu.
BLUE, // Culoarea Albastru.
new TeamName[  ][  ] = 
// --| CC_ColorChat.
new g_szGroups[ MAX_GROUPS ][ ] =
new g_szGroupsFlags[ MAX_GROUPS ][ ] =
new g_iGroupsFlagsValues[ MAX_GROUPS ];
public plugin_init( )
//Plugin original creat de Ex3cuTioN ( pluginuri-extream/rangadminchat-t81702.html )!
register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );
for( new i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++ )
g_iGroupsFlagsValues[ i ] = read_flags( g_szGroupsFlags[ i ] );
// Add your code here...
public HookClCmdSay( id )
if( is_user_bot( id ) )
static szChat[ 192 ];
read_args( szChat, sizeof( szChat ) - 1 );
remove_quotes( szChat );
if( equali( szChat,"" ) )
static szName[ 32 ];
get_user_name( id, szName, sizeof ( szName ) -1 );
if( is_user_admin( id ) )
for( new i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++ )
if( get_user_flags( id ) == g_iGroupsFlagsValues[ i ] )
switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: ColorChat( 0, RED,"^x04[%s]^x03 %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ i ], szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_CT: ColorChat( 0, BLUE,"^x04[%s]^x03 %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ i ], szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ColorChat( 0, GREY,"^x04[%s]^x03 %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ i ], szName, szChat );
switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: ColorChat( 0, RED,"^x03 %s%s^x01: %s", is_user_alive( id ) ? "" : "*Mort* ", szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_CT: ColorChat( 0, BLUE,"^x03 %s%s^x01: %s", is_user_alive( id ) ? "" : "*Mort* ", szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ColorChat( 0, GREY,"^x03 %s^x01: %s", szName, szChat );
public HookClCmdSayTeam( id )
if( is_user_bot( id ) )
static szChat[ 192 ];
read_args( szChat, sizeof( szChat ) - 1 );
remove_quotes( szChat );
if( equali( szChat,"" ) )
static szName[ 32 ];
get_user_name( id, szName, sizeof ( szName ) -1 );
static iPlayers[ 32 ];
static iPlayersNum;
get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "ch" );
if( !iPlayersNum )
static iPlayer, i;
iPlayer = -1; i = 0;
if( is_user_admin( id ) )
static x; x = 0;
for( x = 0; x < MAX_GROUPS; x++ )
if( get_user_flags( id ) == g_iGroupsFlagsValues[ x ] )
for( i = 0; i < iPlayersNum; i++ )
iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) )
switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: ColorChat( iPlayer, RED, "^x04[%s] ^x03(Terrorist) %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ x ], szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_CT: ColorChat( iPlayer, BLUE, "^x04[%s] ^x03(Counter-Terrorist) %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ x ], szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ColorChat( iPlayer, GREY, "^x04[%s] ^x03(Spectator) %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ x ], szName, szChat );
for( i = 0; i < iPlayersNum; i++ )
iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) )
switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: ColorChat( iPlayer, RED, "^x03(Terrorist)%s%s^x01: %s", is_user_alive( id ) ? "" : "*Mort* ", szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_CT: ColorChat( iPlayer, BLUE, "^x03(Counter-Terrorist)%s%s^x01: %s", is_user_alive( id ) ? "" : "*Mort* ", szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ColorChat( iPlayer, GREY, "^x03(Spectator) %s^x01: %s", szName, szChat );
// From amxmisc.inc
stock is_user_admin( id )
new __flags=get_user_flags(id);
return (__flags>0 && !(__flags&ADMIN_USER));
// -----------------------
// --| CC_ColorChat.
ColorChat(  id, Color:iType, const msg[  ], { Float, Sql, Result, _}:...  )
// Daca nu se afla nici un jucator pe server oprim TOT. Altfel dam de erori..
if( !get_playersnum( ) ) return;
new szMessage[ 256 ];
switch( iType )
// Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
case NORMAL: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x01;
// Culoare Verde.
case GREEN: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x04;
// Alb, Rosu, Albastru.
default: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x03;
vformat(  szMessage[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4  );
// Ne asiguram ca mesajul nu este mai lung de 192 de caractere.Altfel pica server-ul.
szMessage[ 192 ] = '^0';
new iTeam, iColorChange, iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type;
if( id )
iPlayerIndex  =  id;
iPlayerIndex  =  CC_FindPlayer(  );
iTeam  =  get_user_team( iPlayerIndex );
iColorChange  =  CC_ColorSelection(  iPlayerIndex,  MSG_Type, iType);
CC_ShowColorMessage(  iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, szMessage  );
if(  iColorChange  ) CC_Team_Info(  iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type,  TeamName[ iTeam ]  );
CC_ShowColorMessage(  id, const iType, const szMessage[  ]  )
static bool:bSayTextUsed;
static iMsgSayText;
if(  !bSayTextUsed  )
iMsgSayText  =  get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
bSayTextUsed  =  true;
message_begin( iType, iMsgSayText, _, id  );
write_byte(  id  );
write_string(  szMessage  );
message_end(  );
CC_Team_Info( id, const iType, const szTeam[  ] )
static bool:bTeamInfoUsed;
static iMsgTeamInfo;
if(  !bTeamInfoUsed  )
iMsgTeamInfo  =  get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" );
bTeamInfoUsed  =  true;
message_begin( iType, iMsgTeamInfo, _, id  );
write_byte(  id  );
write_string(  szTeam  );
message_end(  );
return 1;
CC_ColorSelection(  id, const iType, Color:iColorType)
switch(  iColorType  )
case RED: return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 1 ]  );
case BLUE: return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 2 ]  );
case GREY: return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 0 ]  );
return 0;
CC_FindPlayer(  )
new iMaxPlayers  =  get_maxplayers(  );
for( new i = 1; i <= iMaxPlayers; i++ )
if(  is_user_connected( i )  )
return i;
return -1;
// --| CC_ColorChat.

=> sma


ai 2 greseli in sma : ai 9 grade si 8 accese si in al doilea rand , dupa ce pui ultimul flag de la acces , nu pune virgula . 



puteai sa editezi si tu pluginul :) erau 2 sloturi in el

Edited by Batranu Bumi
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gata ti l-am facut eu =>http://www.amxmodx.org/webcompiler.cgi?go=dl&id=1808322 amxx

#include < amxmodx >

#include < cstrike >
#define PLUGIN "Rang Admin Chat Fixed"
#define VERSION "1.0.1"
#pragma semicolon 1
#define MAX_GROUPS 9
// --| CC_ColorChat.
enum Color
NORMAL = 1, // Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
GREEN, // Culoare Verde.
TEAM_COLOR, // Culoare Rosu, Albastru, Gri.
GREY, // Culoarea Gri.
RED, // Culoarea Rosu.
BLUE, // Culoarea Albastru.
new TeamName[  ][  ] = 
// --| CC_ColorChat.
new g_szGroups[ MAX_GROUPS ][ ] =
new g_szGroupsFlags[ MAX_GROUPS ][ ] =
new g_iGroupsFlagsValues[ MAX_GROUPS ];
public plugin_init( )
//Plugin original creat de Ex3cuTioN ( pluginuri-extream/rangadminchat-t81702.html )!
register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, "Askhanar" );
for( new i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++ )
g_iGroupsFlagsValues[ i ] = read_flags( g_szGroupsFlags[ i ] );
// Add your code here...
public HookClCmdSay( id )
if( is_user_bot( id ) )
static szChat[ 192 ];
read_args( szChat, sizeof( szChat ) - 1 );
remove_quotes( szChat );
if( equali( szChat,"" ) )
static szName[ 32 ];
get_user_name( id, szName, sizeof ( szName ) -1 );
if( is_user_admin( id ) )
for( new i = 0; i < MAX_GROUPS; i++ )
if( get_user_flags( id ) == g_iGroupsFlagsValues[ i ] )
switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: ColorChat( 0, RED,"^x04[%s]^x03 %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ i ], szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_CT: ColorChat( 0, BLUE,"^x04[%s]^x03 %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ i ], szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ColorChat( 0, GREY,"^x04[%s]^x03 %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ i ], szName, szChat );
switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: ColorChat( 0, RED,"^x03 %s%s^x01: %s", is_user_alive( id ) ? "" : "*Mort* ", szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_CT: ColorChat( 0, BLUE,"^x03 %s%s^x01: %s", is_user_alive( id ) ? "" : "*Mort* ", szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ColorChat( 0, GREY,"^x03 %s^x01: %s", szName, szChat );
public HookClCmdSayTeam( id )
if( is_user_bot( id ) )
static szChat[ 192 ];
read_args( szChat, sizeof( szChat ) - 1 );
remove_quotes( szChat );
if( equali( szChat,"" ) )
static szName[ 32 ];
get_user_name( id, szName, sizeof ( szName ) -1 );
static iPlayers[ 32 ];
static iPlayersNum;
get_players( iPlayers, iPlayersNum, "ch" );
if( !iPlayersNum )
static iPlayer, i;
iPlayer = -1; i = 0;
if( is_user_admin( id ) )
static x; x = 0;
for( x = 0; x < MAX_GROUPS; x++ )
if( get_user_flags( id ) == g_iGroupsFlagsValues[ x ] )
for( i = 0; i < iPlayersNum; i++ )
iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) )
switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: ColorChat( iPlayer, RED, "^x04[%s] ^x03(Terrorist) %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ x ], szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_CT: ColorChat( iPlayer, BLUE, "^x04[%s] ^x03(Counter-Terrorist) %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ x ], szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ColorChat( iPlayer, GREY, "^x04[%s] ^x03(Spectator) %s^x01: %s", g_szGroups[ x ], szName, szChat );
for( i = 0; i < iPlayersNum; i++ )
iPlayer = iPlayers[ i ];
if( cs_get_user_team( id ) == cs_get_user_team( iPlayer ) )
switch( cs_get_user_team( id ) )
case CS_TEAM_T: ColorChat( iPlayer, RED, "^x03(Terrorist)%s%s^x01: %s", is_user_alive( id ) ? "" : "*Mort* ", szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_CT: ColorChat( iPlayer, BLUE, "^x03(Counter-Terrorist)%s%s^x01: %s", is_user_alive( id ) ? "" : "*Mort* ", szName, szChat );
case CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR: ColorChat( iPlayer, GREY, "^x03(Spectator) %s^x01: %s", szName, szChat );
// From amxmisc.inc
stock is_user_admin( id )
new __flags=get_user_flags(id);
return (__flags>0 && !(__flags&ADMIN_USER));
// -----------------------
// --| CC_ColorChat.
ColorChat(  id, Color:iType, const msg[  ], { Float, Sql, Result, _}:...  )
// Daca nu se afla nici un jucator pe server oprim TOT. Altfel dam de erori..
if( !get_playersnum( ) ) return;
new szMessage[ 256 ];
switch( iType )
// Culoarea care o are jucatorul setata in cvar-ul scr_concolor.
case NORMAL: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x01;
// Culoare Verde.
case GREEN: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x04;
// Alb, Rosu, Albastru.
default: szMessage[ 0 ] = 0x03;
vformat(  szMessage[ 1 ], 251, msg, 4  );
// Ne asiguram ca mesajul nu este mai lung de 192 de caractere.Altfel pica server-ul.
szMessage[ 192 ] = '^0';
new iTeam, iColorChange, iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type;
if( id )
iPlayerIndex  =  id;
iPlayerIndex  =  CC_FindPlayer(  );
iTeam  =  get_user_team( iPlayerIndex );
iColorChange  =  CC_ColorSelection(  iPlayerIndex,  MSG_Type, iType);
CC_ShowColorMessage(  iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type, szMessage  );
if(  iColorChange  ) CC_Team_Info(  iPlayerIndex, MSG_Type,  TeamName[ iTeam ]  );
CC_ShowColorMessage(  id, const iType, const szMessage[  ]  )
static bool:bSayTextUsed;
static iMsgSayText;
if(  !bSayTextUsed  )
iMsgSayText  =  get_user_msgid( "SayText" );
bSayTextUsed  =  true;
message_begin( iType, iMsgSayText, _, id  );
write_byte(  id  );
write_string(  szMessage  );
message_end(  );
CC_Team_Info( id, const iType, const szTeam[  ] )
static bool:bTeamInfoUsed;
static iMsgTeamInfo;
if(  !bTeamInfoUsed  )
iMsgTeamInfo  =  get_user_msgid( "TeamInfo" );
bTeamInfoUsed  =  true;
message_begin( iType, iMsgTeamInfo, _, id  );
write_byte(  id  );
write_string(  szTeam  );
message_end(  );
return 1;
CC_ColorSelection(  id, const iType, Color:iColorType)
switch(  iColorType  )
case RED: return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 1 ]  );
case BLUE: return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 2 ]  );
case GREY: return CC_Team_Info(  id, iType, TeamName[ 0 ]  );
return 0;
CC_FindPlayer(  )
new iMaxPlayers  =  get_maxplayers(  );
for( new i = 1; i <= iMaxPlayers; i++ )
if(  is_user_connected( i )  )
return i;
return -1;
// --| CC_ColorChat.

=> sma



puteai sa editezi si tu pluginul :) erau 2 sloturi in el

daca tu consideri ca acelea sunt accese , este ok . Fiecare owner are dreptul sa aleaga propriile accese si sa fie invatat unde e greseala .

Daca tu ii faci un plugin azi , maine inca unul si tot nu ii explici unde greseste crezi ca va invata ceva?


"Fondator", - 
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daca tu consideri ca acelea sunt accese , este ok . Fiecare owner are dreptul sa aleaga propriile accese si sa fie invatat unde e greseala .

Daca tu ii faci un plugin azi , maine inca unul si tot nu ii explici unde greseste crezi ca va invata ceva?


"Fondator", - 


de ce crezi ca am zis ca erau 2 sloturi in el? m-am referit si la tine si la el 

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