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[Addons] Zombie plague 4.3


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Descriere : Addons zombie plague 4.3 cu super modele si sunete

Autor : Master.

Testeri : Master. / NrC#

Contine : AmxModx / Metamod

Versiune : v1.1

Sistem de operare : Linux

Download :  ZippyShare | GirlShare

Comenzi : /lm - laser


Pluginuri :

zp_extra_human_armor.amxx -> Permite cumpararea de armura

zp_extra_jetpack_bazooka32.amxx -> Bazooka + Jetpack

zp_extra_multijump.amxx -> Mai multe sarituri

zp_extra_unlimited_clip.amxx -> Munitie nelimitata pentru o runda

zp_extra_lasermine.amxx -> Poti plata mine cu laser

zp_antiblock.amxx -> Poti trece prin oameni

zp_corpse.amxx -> Zombi isi reincarca viata

zp_extra_give_ammopaks.amxx -> Admini pot da ammo

zp_last_man_ammo_packs_bet.amxx -> Poti vota pe ultimi jucatori ramasi

zp_shootable_objects.amxx -> Poti trage in obiecte

zp_zbot_helper.amxx -> Necesar daca jucati cu booti

zp_extra_zspawn.amxx -> Poti reinvia

zp_extra_sandbags.amxx -> Poti pune saci

zp_antidote.amxx -> Antidote poti sa omori toti zombi

zp_painsounds2_lite.amxx -> Sunete zombie

zp_extra_gauss.amxx -> AWP omorati dintr-un glont

zp_addon_dtcm.amxx -> Arata ce mod curent ruleaza

zp_extra_knife_blink.amxx -> Zombi poti scade armura la oameni dintr-o lovitura

zp_extra_teleport12.amxx -> Te poti teleporta exact ca in war3ft

zp_informer.amxx -> Arata cat zombi au ramas in viata

zp_plague_50_50.amxx -> Jumate Nemesis Jumate Survivor

zp_tryder.amxx -> Un fel de Survivor

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