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Addons Predator Mod (Lite Version 1.2)


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Tip : Predator Mod
Autor : Haimmaik

Descriere : Acest mod counter strike contine un plugin care permite jucatorilor sa devina predator dar trebuie sa plateasca un pret in bani sau fraguri (stabilit de admin) pentru asta.
Predatorul are 200 HP si 500 AP, este invizibil iar viteza si sariturile lui sunt mai mari decat cele ale unui player normal. Predatorul de asemenea are o vedere mai buna. Cand moare devine inapoi un player normal.
El nu poate folosi alte arme in afara de plasma si poate omori dintr-o singura lovitura de cutit (mai bine zis,ghiare - claws).
Daca predatorul face un headshot atunci va primi un punct bonus (asta decide adminul).
Ce are in plus lite version fata de v1.96

Imagini (obligatoriu)http://i.imgur.com/hU6qns8.jpg
Plugin-uri : Lite version 1.0: inlaturarea unor comenzi nefolositoare si a 3-4 tipuri de predator
Lite version 1.1: fixarea bugului la plasma
Lite version 1.2: fixare bug menu

Diverse comenzi specifice pentru admini:
admin_enable_predator 1/0 == Turns on and off the predator mode (default 1) *NOTE, ADMIN COMMANDS ARE STILL ACTIVE*
admin_everyone_predator 1/0 == Turns on and off the EVERYONE predator mode (default 0) *NOTE, if on, u must choose a predator or u die*
admin_frags_predator [number]Decide how many frags you need to pay to become a predator (default 20)
admin_money_predator [number] == Decides how much money you need to pay to become a predator (default 16,000)
admin_plasma_predator[number] == Decides how many plasma shots a predator will get (default 3)
admin_frags_plasma [number] == Decides how many frags a predator gets for plasma kill (default 1)
admin_frags_knife [number] == Decides how many frags a predator gets for knife kill (default 2)
admin_kill_money [number] == Decides how much money a predator gets for each kill (default 300)
admin_predator [name][type][plasma] == Change a player into a predator, choose type of predator and amount of plasma
admin_predatorteam [team][type][plasma] == Same as admin_predaotr just to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)
admin_unpredator [name] == Change a predator into a human
admin_unpredatorteam [team] == Same as admin_unpredator just to a full team (T,CT,ALL or 1,2,3)
admin_addplasma [name][number] == Adds Plasma shoots to a predator (player have to be a predator)
admin_predator_custom [name][type] == Changes a player's MODEL into a predator model *NOTE, HE IS NOT A PREDATOR*
admin_view_predator [number] == Changes the speed of the bodyheat (default 0.2) [change map to take effect] {version 1.94+)
admin_hp_predator [number] == sets amount of HP the predator gets (default 200) {version 1.95 only}

Diverse comenzi specifice pentru jucatori:
ppfire == Shoot a plasma ball (i suggest u bind it to mouse3)
pcview == Change the view mode of the predator (i suggest u bind it to P)
dbinds == Auto bind the client functions into the default keys
say /predatorhelp == help about other predator say commands Donwload : Click aici

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