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Descriere: Un plugin care va arata statistica dvs pe server.

Update 1.0


#include amxmodx
#include csstats

new name[32]

const SHOW_TYPE = 1 // 1 - Show Hud | 2 - Show Chat

new const typecmd [][] = 
    "say /rank",
    "say rank"

public plugin_init()
    for(new cmd = 0; cmd < sizeof typecmd; cmd++)
        register_clcmd(typecmd[cmd], "cmdrank")    

public cmdrank(Player)    
    static stats[8], body[8]
    static Deaths = 0, Kills = 0, Float:Ratio = 0.0
    new position = get_user_stats(Player, stats, body)
    new totalposition = get_statsnum()
    get_user_name(Player, name, charsmax(name))
    Deaths = stats[1]
    Kills = stats[0]
    Ratio = Deaths == 0 ? (float(Kills)) : (float(Kills) / float(Deaths))
        case 1: // Hud
            set_hudmessage(42, 255, 42, 0.27, 0.83, 1, 0.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0, -1)
            ShowSyncHudMsg(Player, CreateHudSyncObj(), "%s You have rank %d/%d^nKills: %d Deaths: %d^nKPD: %.2f", name, totalposition, position, stats[0], stats[1], Ratio)
        case 2: // Chat
            client_print(Player, print_chat, "%s You have rank %d/%d. With Kills: %d Deaths: %d KPD: %.2f", name, totalposition, position, stats[0], stats[1], Ratio)

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