haij 169 Posted December 3, 2014 Share Posted December 3, 2014 Server: gorj.rangfort.ro Nick: haijGrad srv: DetinatorLa ce doriti ajutor? Numi citeste admini vreau sa imi faceti un users.ini #include #include #define PLUGIN "ULTIMATE WHO"#define VERSION "1.1"#define AUTHOR "P.Of.Pw"#define CharsMax(%1) sizeof %1 - 1#define time_shower 1.0#define GROUPS_NAME 10#define GROUPS_ACCESS 10#define RRR 255#define GGG 255#define BBB 255#define time_hud 12.0#define motd_msg "Admin's Online"#define who_meniu_ad_group_msg "\y-=[Admin's]=- \r-=[Online]=-^n"#define who_meniu_admin_msg "\y-=[Admin's]=- \w-=[Online]=-^n^n"#define who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom "^n\wPt a iesi apasati \y0 \w sau \y5"#define who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom "^n\wPt a iesi apasati \r0 \w sau \r5"#define who_console_top "=========== Admini Online ==========="#define who_console_bottom "================================"new GroupNames[GROUPS_NAME][] = {"<<<==-Founder-==>>>","<<<==-Owner-==>>>","<<<==-Co-Owner-==>>>","<<<==-God-==>>>","<<<==-Super-Moderator-==>>>","<<<==-Moderator-==>>>>","<<<==-Administrator-==>>>","<<<==-Helper-==>>>","<<<==-Vip-==>>>","<<<==-Slot-==>>>"}new GroupFlags[GROUPS_ACCESS][] = {"abcdefghijklmnopqrstu","bcdefghijklmnopqrsu","abcdefijmnopqrsu","bcdefijmnopqrs","bcdefijmnopqr","bcdefijmnopq","bcdefijmno","bceijmno","ab","b"}new GroupFlagsValue[GROUPS_NAME]new who_type, who_typemeniu, who_typtablepublic plugin_init(){register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)for(new p_of_pw = 0 ; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++)GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw] = read_flags(GroupFlags[p_of_pw])register_clcmd("say", "cmdSay")register_clcmd("say_team", "cmdSay")who_type = register_cvar("cmd_who","1")who_typemeniu = register_cvar("who_typemeniu","1")who_typtable = register_cvar("who_typetable","2")}public cmdSay(id){new say[192]read_args(say,192)if(( containi(say, "who") != -1 || containi(say, "/who") != -1 || containi(say, "/who") != -1 || contain(say, "/who") != -1 || contain(say, "/who") != -1 || contain(say, "/who") != -1))set_task(time_shower,"cmdULTMWho",id)return PLUGIN_CONTINUE}public cmdULTMWho(id){switch(get_pcvar_num(who_type)){case 1: who_meniu(id)case 2: who_motd(id)case 3: who_table(id)case 4: who_hud(id)case 5: who_console(id)}return 0}who_meniu(id){switch(get_pcvar_num(who_typemeniu)){case 1: who_meniu_admin_groups(id)case 2: who_meniu_admin(id)}return 0}who_meniu_admin_groups(id){new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayernew sName[32]new szMenu[256], nLen, keysnLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_ad_group_msg)get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++){nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++){iPlayer = sPlayers[a]if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]){get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\w%s^n", sName)}}}nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom)keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9)show_menu(id,keys,szMenu,-1)return 0}who_meniu_admin(id){new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayernew sName[32]new szMenu[256], nLen, keysnLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_admin_msg)get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++){for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++){iPlayer = sPlayers[a]if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]){get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", sName)}}}nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom)keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9)show_menu(id,keys,szMenu,-1)return 0}who_motd(id){new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayernew sName[32], sBuffer[1024]new iLeniLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, " ") get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, " %s^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++){iPlayer = sPlayers[a]if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]){get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, " %s^n", sName)}}}show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)return 0}who_table(id){switch(get_pcvar_num(who_typtable)){case 1: table_style_one(id)case 2: table_style_two(id)}return 0}table_style_one(id){new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayernew sName[32], sBuffer[1024]new iLeniLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, " NUME - ACCES")get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++){for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++){iPlayer = sPlayers[a]if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]){get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, " %s %s^n", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw])}}}show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)return 0}table_style_two(id){new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayernew sName[32], sBuffer[1024]new iLeniLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "")iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, " ")iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "")get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++){for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++){iPlayer = sPlayers[a]if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]){get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, " ", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw])}}}iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, " NUME ACCES %s %s ")show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg)return 0}who_hud(id){new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayernew sName[32], sBuffer[1024]new iLenget_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch")for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++){iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "=== %s ===^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw])for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++){iPlayer = sPlayers[a]if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]){get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "%s^n", sName)}}}set_hudmessage(RRR, GGG, BBB, 0.02, 0.24, 0, 6.0, time_hud)show_hudmessage(id, sBuffer)return 0}who_console(id){new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayernew sName[32]get_players(sPlayers, iNum)console_print(id, who_console_top)for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME; p_of_pw++){for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++){iPlayer = sPlayers[a]get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1)if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw])console_print(id, "= %d = %s : %s", p_of_pw+1, GroupNames[p_of_pw], sName)}}console_print(id, who_console_bottom)return 0} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest KentHD Posted December 3, 2014 Share Posted December 3, 2014 Revin cu un edit mâine. Ai făcut cererea când ies eu.. EDIT : #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #define PLUGIN "ULTIMATE WHO" #define VERSION "1.1" #define AUTHOR "P.Of.Pw" #define CharsMax(%1) sizeof %1 - 1 #define time_shower 1.0 #define GROUPS_NAME 10 #define GROUPS_ACCESS 10 #define RRR 255 #define GGG 255 #define BBB 255 #define time_hud 12.0 #define motd_msg "Admin's Online" #define who_meniu_ad_group_msg "\y-=[Admin's]=- \r-=[Online]=-^n" #define who_meniu_admin_msg "\y-=[Admin's]=- \w-=[Online]=-^n^n" #define who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom "^n\wPentru a iesi apasati \y0 \w sau \y5" #define who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom "^n\wPentru a iesi apasati \r0 \w sau \r5" #define who_console_top "=========== Admini Online ===========" #define who_console_bottom "================================" new GroupNames[GROUPS_NAME][] = { "Detinator", "Fondator", "SuperVizor", "Good", "Moderator Global", "Moderator", "Administrator", "Helper", "VIP", "Slot" } new GroupFlags[GROUPS_ACCESS][] = { "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", "abcdefghijmnopqrst", "bcdefghijmnopqrs", "bcdefghijmnopr", "bcdefhijmno", "bcdefijm", "bcdefij", "bceij", "bhts", "b" } new GroupFlagsValue[GROUPS_NAME] new who_type, who_typemeniu, who_typtable public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) for(new p_of_pw = 0 ; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw] = read_flags(GroupFlags[p_of_pw]) register_clcmd("say", "cmdSay") register_clcmd("say_team", "cmdSay") who_type = register_cvar("cmd_who","1") who_typemeniu = register_cvar("who_typemeniu","1") who_typtable = register_cvar("who_typetable","2") } public cmdSay(id) { new say[192] read_args(say,192) if(( containi(say, "who") != -1 || containi(say, "admin") != -1 || containi(say, "admins") != -1 || contain(say, "/who") != -1 || contain(say, "/admin") != -1 || contain(say, "/admins") != -1)) set_task(time_shower,"cmdULTMWho",id) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public cmdULTMWho(id) { switch(get_pcvar_num(who_type)) { case 1: who_meniu(id) case 2: who_motd(id) case 3: who_table(id) case 4: who_hud(id) case 5: who_console(id) } return 0 } who_meniu(id) { switch(get_pcvar_num(who_typemeniu)) { case 1: who_meniu_admin_groups(id) case 2: who_meniu_admin(id) } return 0 } who_meniu_admin_groups(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32] new szMenu[256], nLen, keys nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_ad_group_msg) get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw]) for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\w%s^n", sName) } } } nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom) keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9) show_menu(id,keys,szMenu,-1) return 0 } who_meniu_admin(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32] new szMenu[256], nLen, keys nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_admin_msg) get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", sName) } } } nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom) keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9) show_menu(id,keys,szMenu,-1) return 0 } who_motd(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32], sBuffer[1024] new iLen iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>") get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h5><font color=^"red^">%s^n</font></h5></center>", GroupNames[p_of_pw]) for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center>%s^n</center>", sName) } } } show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg) return 0 } who_table(id) { switch(get_pcvar_num(who_typtable)) { case 1: table_style_one(id) case 2: table_style_two(id) } return 0 } table_style_one(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32], sBuffer[1024] new iLen iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME - ACCES</font></h3></b></center>") get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h4><font color=^"white^">%s %s^n</font></h4></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw]) } } } show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg) return 0 } table_style_two(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32], sBuffer[1024] new iLen iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<html><head><title>a</title></head>") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<br><br><center><body><table border>") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<tr><td><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME</td><td></h3></b> <h3><b><font color=^"red^">ACCES</td></h3></font></b></center>") get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><tr><td><h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s<td></b></h4> <h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s </td></h4></font></b></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw]) } } } iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "</table></body></html>") show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg) return 0 } who_hud(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32], sBuffer[1024] new iLen get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "=== %s ===^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw]) for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "%s^n", sName) } } } set_hudmessage(RRR, GGG, BBB, 0.02, 0.24, 0, 6.0, time_hud) show_hudmessage(id, sBuffer) return 0 } who_console(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32] get_players(sPlayers, iNum) console_print(id, who_console_top) for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME; p_of_pw++) { for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) console_print(id, "= %d = %s : %s", p_of_pw+1, GroupNames[p_of_pw], sName) } } console_print(id, who_console_bottom) return 0 } Să postezi user.ini ca să nu zici că ţi-l schimb eu 60-70%.. Dacă vrei,ţi-l fac şi eu,dar să nu te superi cum îl aşez . (cum îl folosesc eu) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
haij 169 Posted December 4, 2014 Author Share Posted December 4, 2014 ; Users configuration file; File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/users.ini; Line starting with ; is a comment; Access flags:; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slaped and affected by other commmands); b - reservation (can join on reserved slots); c - amx_kick command; d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands; e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands; f - amx_map command; g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available); h - amx_cfg command; i - amx_chat and other chat commands; j - amx_vote and other vote commands; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command); l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command); m - custom level A (for additional plugins); n - custom level B; o - custom level C; p - custom level D; q - custom level E; r - custom level F; s - custom level G; t - custom level H; u - menu access; z - user (no admin); Account flags:; a - disconnect player on invalid password; b - clan tag; c - this is steamid/wonid; d - this is ip; e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed); k - name or tag is case sensitive. eg: if you set it so the name "Ham"; is protected and case sensitive (flags "k" only), then anybody; can use the names "haM", "HAM", "ham", etc, but not "Ham"; Password:; Add to your autoexec.cfg: setinfo _cs16 ""; Change _cs16 to the value of amx_password_field; Format of admin account:; ; Example:"STEAM_0:1:51855354" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstxu" "ce"; "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstxu" "de"; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a"; "<<<==-Detinator -==>>>", ""abcdefghijklmnopqrstu",; "<<<==-Owner - 300 ore-==>>>","bcdefghijklmnopqrsu",; "<<<==-Co-Owne 200 ore-==>>>", "abcdefijmnopqrsu",; "<<<==-Good 180 ore-==>>>","bcdefijmnopqrs",; "<<<==-Super-Moderator 150 ore-==>>>","bcdefijmnopqr",;"<<<==-Moderator 100 ore-==>>>>","bcdefijmnopq",; "<<<==-Administrator 80 ore-==>>>","bcdefijmno",; "<<<==-Helper 60 ore-==>>>","bceijmno",;"<<<==-Vip 40 ore-==>>>","ab",; "<<<==-Slot 10 ore-==>>>"b |ip|steamid> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest KentHD Posted December 4, 2014 Share Posted December 4, 2014 SMA : #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #define PLUGIN "ULTIMATE WHO" #define VERSION "1.1" #define AUTHOR "P.Of.Pw" #define CharsMax(%1) sizeof %1 - 1 #define time_shower 1.0 #define GROUPS_NAME 10 #define GROUPS_ACCESS 10 #define RRR 255 #define GGG 255 #define BBB 255 #define time_hud 12.0 #define motd_msg "Admin's Online" #define who_meniu_ad_group_msg "\y-=[Admin's]=- \r-=[Online]=-^n" #define who_meniu_admin_msg "\y-=[Admin's]=- \w-=[Online]=-^n^n" #define who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom "^n\wPentru a iesi apasati \y0 \w sau \y5" #define who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom "^n\wPentru a iesi apasati \r0 \w sau \r5" #define who_console_top "=========== Admini Online ===========" #define who_console_bottom "================================" new GroupNames[GROUPS_NAME][] = { "Detinator", "Owner", "Co-Owner", "Good", "Super-Moderator", "Moderator", "Administrator", "Helper", "VIP", "Slot" } new GroupFlags[GROUPS_ACCESS][] = { "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", "abcdefghijklmnopqrsu", "abcdefijmnopqrsu", "bcdefijmnopqrs", "bcdefijmnopqr", "bcdefijmnopq", "bcdefijmno", "bceijmno", "ab", "b" } new GroupFlagsValue[GROUPS_NAME] new who_type, who_typemeniu, who_typtable public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) for(new p_of_pw = 0 ; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw] = read_flags(GroupFlags[p_of_pw]) register_clcmd("say", "cmdSay") register_clcmd("say_team", "cmdSay") who_type = register_cvar("cmd_who","1") who_typemeniu = register_cvar("who_typemeniu","1") who_typtable = register_cvar("who_typetable","2") } public cmdSay(id) { new say[192] read_args(say,192) if(( containi(say, "who") != -1 || containi(say, "admin") != -1 || containi(say, "admins") != -1 || contain(say, "/who") != -1 || contain(say, "/admin") != -1 || contain(say, "/admins") != -1)) set_task(time_shower,"cmdULTMWho",id) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public cmdULTMWho(id) { switch(get_pcvar_num(who_type)) { case 1: who_meniu(id) case 2: who_motd(id) case 3: who_table(id) case 4: who_hud(id) case 5: who_console(id) } return 0 } who_meniu(id) { switch(get_pcvar_num(who_typemeniu)) { case 1: who_meniu_admin_groups(id) case 2: who_meniu_admin(id) } return 0 } who_meniu_admin_groups(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32] new szMenu[256], nLen, keys nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_ad_group_msg) get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw]) for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\w%s^n", sName) } } } nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_ad_group_msg_bottom) keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9) show_menu(id,keys,szMenu,-1) return 0 } who_meniu_admin(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32] new szMenu[256], nLen, keys nLen = format(szMenu[nLen], 255, who_meniu_admin_msg) get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen,"\r%s^n", sName) } } } nLen += format(szMenu[nLen], 255-nLen, who_meniu_admin_msg_bottom) keys = (1<<0|1<<1|1<<2|1<<3|1<<4|1<<5|1<<6|1<<9) show_menu(id,keys,szMenu,-1) return 0 } who_motd(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32], sBuffer[1024] new iLen iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>") get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h5><font color=^"red^">%s^n</font></h5></center>", GroupNames[p_of_pw]) for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center>%s^n</center>", sName) } } } show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg) return 0 } who_table(id) { switch(get_pcvar_num(who_typtable)) { case 1: table_style_one(id) case 2: table_style_two(id) } return 0 } table_style_one(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32], sBuffer[1024] new iLen iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME - ACCES</font></h3></b></center>") get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><h4><font color=^"white^">%s %s^n</font></h4></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw]) } } } show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg) return 0 } table_style_two(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32], sBuffer[1024] new iLen iLen = formatex(sBuffer, sizeof sBuffer - 1, "<body bgcolor=#000000><font color=#7b68ee><pre>") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<html><head><title>a</title></head>") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<br><br><center><body><table border>") iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<tr><td><h3><b><font color=^"red^">NUME</td><td></h3></b> <h3><b><font color=^"red^">ACCES</td></h3></font></b></center>") get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "<center><tr><td><h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s<td></b></h4> <h4><b><font color=^"white^">%s </td></h4></font></b></center>", sName, GroupNames[p_of_pw]) } } } iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "</table></body></html>") show_motd(id, sBuffer, motd_msg) return 0 } who_hud(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32], sBuffer[1024] new iLen get_players(sPlayers, iNum, "ch") for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME ; p_of_pw++) { iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "=== %s ===^n", GroupNames[p_of_pw]) for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) { get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) iLen += formatex(sBuffer[iLen], CharsMax(sBuffer) - iLen, "%s^n", sName) } } } set_hudmessage(RRR, GGG, BBB, 0.02, 0.24, 0, 6.0, time_hud) show_hudmessage(id, sBuffer) return 0 } who_console(id) { new sPlayers[32], iNum, iPlayer new sName[32] get_players(sPlayers, iNum) console_print(id, who_console_top) for(new p_of_pw = 0; p_of_pw < GROUPS_NAME; p_of_pw++) { for(new a = 0; a < iNum ; a++) { iPlayer = sPlayers[a] get_user_name(iPlayer, sName, sizeof sName - 1) if(get_user_flags(iPlayer) == GroupFlagsValue[p_of_pw]) console_print(id, "= %d = %s : %s", p_of_pw+1, GroupNames[p_of_pw], sName) } } console_print(id, who_console_bottom) return 0 } user.ini : ; Users configuration file ; File location: $moddir/addons/amxmodx/configs/users.ini ; Line starting with ; is a comment ; Access flags: ; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed/slaped and affected by other commmands) ; b - reservation (can join on reserved slots) ; c - amx_kick command ; d - amx_ban and amx_unban commands ; e - amx_slay and amx_slap commands ; f - amx_map command ; g - amx_cvar command (not all cvars will be available) ; h - amx_cfg command ; i - amx_chat and other chat commands ; j - amx_vote and other vote commands ; k - access to sv_password cvar (by amx_cvar command) ; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command) ; m - custom level A (for additional plugins) ; n - custom level B ; o - custom level C ; p - custom level D ; q - custom level E ; r - custom level F ; s - custom level G ; t - custom level H ; u - menu access ; z - user (no admin) ; Account flags: ; a - disconnect player on invalid password ; b - clan tag ; c - this is steamid/wonid ; d - this is ip ; e - password is not checked (only name/ip/steamid needed) ; k - name or tag is case sensitive. eg: if you set it so the name "Ham" ; is protected and case sensitive (flags "k" only), then anybody ; can use the names "haM", "HAM", "ham", etc, but not "Ham" ; Password: ; Add to your autoexec.cfg: setinfo _cs16 "" ; Change _cs16 to the value of amx_password_field ; Format of admin account: ; ; Example: "STEAM_0:1:51855354" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstxu" "ce" ; "" "" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstxu" "de" ; "My Name" "my_password" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstu" "a" ; "<<<==-Detinator -==>>>", ""abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", ; "<<<==-Owner - 300 ore-==>>>","abcdefghijklmnopqrsu", ; "<<<==-Co-Owner 200 ore-==>>>", "abcdefijmnopqrsu", ; "<<<==-Good 180 ore-==>>>","bcdefijmnopqrs", ; "<<<==-Super-Moderator 150 ore-==>>>","bcdefijmnopqr", ;"<<<==-Moderator 100 ore-==>>>>","bcdefijmnopq", ; "<<<==-Administrator 80 ore-==>>>","bcdefijmno", ; "<<<==-Helper 60 ore-==>>>","bceijmno", ;"<<<==-Vip 40 ore-==>>>","ab", ; "<<<==-Slot 10 ore-==>>>"b" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
haij 169 Posted December 4, 2014 Author Share Posted December 4, 2014 T/C am rezolvat singur era de vina users Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SUITS 156 Posted December 4, 2014 Share Posted December 4, 2014 Locked, la cerere. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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