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Play or Be Kicked


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This plugin has the ability to kick players based on any of the following three events:

  • not joining a team or spectator mode in time when initially joining the server
  • spectatating too long
  • being AFK too long

Which events your server looks for is configurable as is the amount of time allowed for each event.




Play or Be Kicked




Author : Brad


Version : 1.5.243





  • .configs\pbk.cfg
  • .\data\lang\pbk.txt
  • .\plugins\pbk.amxx


Cvar of the plugin

// Play or Be Kicked Configuration File
echo Executing Play or Be Kicked (PBK) Configuration File

// The 'join' event, as defined by this plugin, is the time between //
// when a player connects to the server and when the player chooses //
// their model, thus entering the game. Normally, a player can sit //
// in this event indefinitely, thus taking up a slot in your server. //

// Specifies the the minimum number of players on the server before
// people that haven't fully joined start getting kicked.
pbk_join_min_players 4

// Specifies the number of seconds a player has, after connecting to
// the server, to join a team before getting kicked.
// A value of 0 will disable checking of this event.
pbk_join_time 120

// Specifies the access level flags needed for a player to have
// immunity for the 'join' event. Having immunity means the player
// would not get kicked for failing to join a team.
// Set this CVAR to blank to disallow immunity.
// For available flags,
// http://wiki.amxmodx.org/index.php/Ad...#Access_Levels
// A common value, when admin immunity is desired, is to use the
// "a" flag (ADMIN_IMMUNITY).
pbk_join_immunity_flags ""

// The 'spec' event, as defined by this plugin, is the time in which //
// a player is in spectator mode. Normally, a player can sit in this //
// mode indefinitely, thus taking up a slot in your server. //

// Specifies the the minimum number of players on the server before
// people that are in spectator mode start getting kicked.
pbk_spec_min_players 4

// Specifies the total number of seconds a player can be in spectator
// mode before they get kicked.
// A value of 0 will disable checking of this event.
pbk_spec_time 120

// Specifies the access level flags needed for a player to have
// immunity for the 'spec' event. Having immunity means the player
// would not get kicked for being in spectator mode too long.
// Set this CVAR to blank to disallow immunity.
// For available flags,
// http://wiki.amxmodx.org/index.php/Ad...#Access_Levels
// A common value, when admin immunity is desired, is to use the
// "a" flag (ADMIN_IMMUNITY).
pbk_spec_immunity_flags ""

// Indicates whether spectators are queried periodically, in an effort
// to determine if they are in front of the keyboard or not.
pbk_spec_query 0

// The 'AFK' event, as defined by this plugin, is when a player has //
// not moved in a defined period of time. Normally, a player can be //
// AFK indefinitely, thus taking up a slot in your server. //

// Specifies the the minimum number of players on the server before
// people that are AFK start getting kicked.
pbk_afk_min_players 4

// Specifies the number of seconds a player can be AFK before
// getting kicked.
// A value of 0 will disable checking of this event.
pbk_afk_time 120

// Specifies the access level flags needed for a player to have
// immunity for the 'afk' event. Having immunity means the player
// would not get kicked for being AFK too long.
// Set this CVAR to blank to disallow immunity.
// For available flags,
// http://wiki.amxmodx.org/index.php/Ad...#Access_Levels
// A common value, when admin immunity is desired, is to use the
// "a" flag (ADMIN_IMMUNITY).
pbk_afk_immunity_flags ""

// As a courtesy to any player about to be kicked, a chat message //
// will let them know of their impending kick every 5 seconds until //
// they are kicked. //

// Specifies the number of seconds a player starts getting warned before
// they are kicked.
pbk_warning_time 20

// Specifies which events to show the countdown warning for to players
// with immunity.
// The flags are additive. A value of 0 indicates that the countdown is
// not shown for any event.
// 1 - joining
// 2 - spectating
// 4 - being AFK
pbk_immunity_warning 7

// Sometimes you just want to know what's been happening and when. //
// Logging the kicks from this plugin is an easy way to help //
// accomplish that. //

// Indicates how to log kicks.
// The flags are addtive. A value of 0 will not log any kicks.
// 1 - log in the AMXX log
// 2 - log in the chat log (allows kicks to be seen in programs like
// HLSW that show you the chat log)
// 4 - log in their own file ("pbkMM.log" where "MM" is the
// two-digit month)
pbk_log 3

// Specifies the number of previous month's logs to retain.
// The current month is always retained.
pbk_log_cnt 2

// When you run multiple servers, sometimes, instead of kicking //
// players into the nether, you would like to kick them over to one //
// of your other servers. //

// Specifies the IP to which kicked users should be sent.
// A blank value disables this feature.
pbk_kick2_ip ""

// Specifies the port to which kicked users should be sent.
pbk_kick2_port "27015"

Modules required






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