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Will Smith # RF

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Everything posted by Will Smith # RF

  1. 1) Nick :- HaNiBaL 2) Age:- 16 3) Do you believe in magic?:- Nah
  2. Do you believe in MAGIC ? If you do believe in magic , you can say here. :- [Model] 1) Nick :- 2) Age:- 3) Do you believe in magic?:-
  3. Nick:- HaNiBaL Age:- 15 The Hardest moment? :- When my girlfriend left me..
  4. What is the hardest moment you have ever been through ? [Model] Nick:- Age:- The Hardest moment? :-
  5. 1) Nick:- HaNiBaL 2) Age ( If possible.) 15 3) You choice is? : Give it to the mechanical.. 4) Why ? Because if i tryed to do it my self , i will miss it more than its missed !
  6. If you had a broken car , Would you like to Manage the things out your self , or to give it to the mechanical? [Model] 1) Nick:- 2) Age ( If possible.) 3) You're choice is? : 4) Why ?
  7. 1) Nick:- HaNiBaL. 2) Age :- 15 3) Your choice :- #3 => The 1970 Model 4) Why ? :- Because that's my way
  8. Choose the best Mustang car ? :- The 2014 Model :- The 2004 Model :- The 1970 Model :- Just Choose Model:- 1) Nick:- 2) Age :- 3) Your choice :- 4) Why ? :-
  9. 1) Nick:- HaNiBaL. 2) Age ? :- 15 , near the 16 3 DAYS LEFT 3) What is your choice? :- Number 2 , because its better in my way
  10. What do you prefare ? A Grand new Car ? An Old perfect Car ? Choose , One or Two ? Say :- 1) Nick:- 2) Age ? :- 3) What is your choice? :-
  11. i said that i took it from FB that is why its white...
  12. Da , pentru că îmi pasă acest comunity , iar când i se vedea un loc gol , vreau să-l umple și să aibă grijă de ea . => Laur.
  13. Sorry for posting here , But my request is here from long time , And no one see it , please just answer it , say what i deserve from my active and from my Interest Again , sorry for posting here..
  14. Where did you eat your best Meal ?? you can say any Restaurant , and any Food you eat , from your self ! Make your own way to vote
  15. Who is Your favorite teacher EVER ? and what subject did he teach ? 1) The name of the teacher ;- 2) Why do you like him ? 3) What did he Teach ?
  16. What are you going to choose , to have a real good wife , or to have 100 million dolars ? Vote like :- 1) Nick:- 2) You Choise :-
  17. Who is the best F1 DRIVER you know and How much Cups he won ? Do this :- The name of your driver ? How many cups He did win ? In what years he won those Cups ?
  18. Say here who do you want to be like in the future , Choose Between :- 1) You Father 2) a famous Actor 3) a Famous Business man
  19. Hi all if you watch WWE just post here , and if you dont say why. Enjoy
  20. Choose between Clash of clans and Clash Royale , Witch is better ? and what have more players in it ? and what game you play?
  21. What do you Prefare , Android or iPhone , and what do you have ?? (In Real life.)
  22. What car do you like to drive ? Witch car And why?
  23. Choose Between AK47 AND M4A1 AK47 (CV-47) [KALASHNIKOV] M4A1 (MAVERICK M4A1 CARABINE) [M16]
  24. Have no legs , at least i can put a new one , the doctors can.
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